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SEO: Search Engine Optimization

Posted by Milan at 1.17.2008
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A leap is always initiate with a small step...

Construction of hundreds of meters tall skyscraper starts with laying a Brick...

Its pretty obvious that keys are not as bigger and heavier as locks, yet key is must to unlock and to open doors. What I want to insinuate is things, usually given little heed to, plays very important role. SEO is one of those things, which decides upward curve of your success chart for your Blog or website, if you do it in proper way. So lets begin with real incident ......

If u have ever searched on internet for having your own website you must have came across the term called SEO search engine optimization. Before landing on this blog, U might have also heard about 'SEO Secret revealed' 'Black hat SEO' and 'White hat SEO' etc. I have been doing SEO for Playwinpoker, almost for 6 months, and have been paid in 5 digit salary for last 3 months. One of my frnd was awestruck when I told him this fact. And very similar way he was curious about Search Engine Optimization, and next time when I met him, it was my time to be shocked, because that guy had purchased an ebook of $49. Thats what promoted me to write a blog about Search Engine Optimization.

SEO: Basic

The biggest fact or secret about SEO is that there is no secret. SEO is the practice to make your website lovable to various search engines. In nutshell, i wud say SEO is 'To develop and practice you website in such a way that SEs preferred your website more to rank higher than rest of the website for a particular keyword'. Search engine algorithm is the heart of all search engines. All search engines have developed their own search algorithm. Search algorithm is nothing but a precise way to get most relevant result ( As a being Computer engineering student, my explanation might sound little bit technical to you to understand this term I will post search engine optimization glossary). It is very important to understand the exact job of search engines in order to be SEO expert.

Let me explain you what search engine exactly do for you. Say u r searching information on internet for a good weight loss product. But there are millions of websites available for. How wud you know which website is well trustworthy for its product, should you trust on them? Whats the proof that they are not fraud? this is the point when u are stuck and at this very point search engines comes into the scene. In just blink of an eye search engines gives you list of millions of websites. Once again you gets confuse about which website u should trust on. SE has answer of this too. First 20 results are the best results to trust blindly as millions of people do.

If report is to be believed, there are 20 million searches made per day alone at Google. Now just imagine your website which sells weight loss product of $20, and it is one of the top 10 websites in google search result when people make search for keyword 'weight loss product'. Even if 3000 queries are there for keyword 'weight loss product' , imagine sell of your business. Thats where search Engine Optimization comes into scene. In order to be listed in top 10 or 20 results, you have to follow certain rules and regulation that search engines follow while search best websites on internet. The process of knowing that is called nothing but SEO.

It was my little attempt to make you aware with basics of search engine working.



Swaminathan said...

Hi! i m swaminathan..just now i saw ur blog.. it's amazing.. Do visit my blog and comment on the post as to where i should improve..

Anonymous said...

SEO-experts earn thousands of dollars for sharing their expertise... it's indeed thé key for getting visitors :)

Anonymous said...

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this is my site. Hope u'll like my site. Bye

Anonymous said...

I use Veretekk for my SEO resource for all my websites. I also use TrafficSwarm to send traffic to lead capture pages and let my autoresponder go to work on the leads.

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